ALEXANDRIA AIRLINES policy commits the AIRLINES senior management to:
A.A culture that has safety, security and quality as fundamental operational priorities. Thisis achieved by well defining the commitment of senior management to a strong culture ofsafety, security and quality by:
-Compliance with applicable regulations and standards of the AIRLINES;
-Ensuring the management of safety risks to aircraft operations;
-The promotion of safety awareness;
-Continual improvement of operational performance.
B.Making available all necessary resources for the implementation of the safety policy.
C.Ensuring on a continuing basis the monitoring, measuring, evaluation, and makingchanges of the management system that enhance continual improvement using but notlimited to corporate quality audits and Inspections, various investigations, efforts,enquiries, management meetings, focused on the safe and secure ALEXANDRIAAIRLINES operations. ALEXANDRIA AIRLINES Corporate QM and SMSM shall supportthis process to produce desired operational safety, security and quality results. Thiscommits the organization to:
-Regular review of performance-based indicators by senior management;
-Regular analysis of malfunctions or undesirable operational results;
-Follow-up of corrective actions and their effectiveness in improving operationalperformance.
D.A non-punitive reporting system. Such reporting system is typically considered anattribute of a just culture. Frontline operational personnel are often in the best position toobserve and identify operational hazards and conditions that could lead to accidents orincidents such as human misconduct, breaching ECAA regulations, operationalstandards, SOPs, defined operational procedures and defined disciplinary instructions.
E.Ensuring that reporting inadvertent errors does not result in disciplinary or punitive actionbeing taken against the reporter or other individuals involved unless, of course, sucherrors result from illegal activity, wilful misconduct or other egregious actions.
F.Ensuring that the identity or information leading to the identity, of any employee whoreports an error under this policy is never disclosed unless agreed to by the employee orrequired by law.
G.Encouraging and even providing incentive for individuals to report hazards andoperational deficiencies to management.
H.Assuring personnel that their candid input is desired and vital to safe and secureoperations.
I.Informing ALEXANDRIA AIRLINES operational personnel of their responsibility to complywith the applicable laws, regulations and procedures in all locations where operations areconducted using all available means of communications.
J.This policy is typically reviewed periodically for possible update every two years to ensurecontinued relevance to the organization or whenever need arise whichever comes first.
K.This policy shall be made visible throughout the organization by disseminating therelevant information throughout the airline and shall be considered essentially inestablishing operations manuals, programs and have all operational personnel wellacquainted with.
Alexandria Airlines Safety Reporting Policy Statement:
The key objective of Alexandria Airlines safety reporting system is to enhance the safety of our company's aviation activities through the collection of reports on actual or potential safety deficiencies that would otherwise not be reported through other channels. Such reports may involve occurrences, hazards or threats relevant to the safety of our aviation activities. This system does not eliminate the need for formal reporting of accidents and incidents according to our company SOPs, as well as the submission of mandatory occurrence reports to the relevant regulatory authorities.
The Safety reporting system is a voluntary, non-punitive, confidential occurrence and hazard reporting system administered by the Safety & Quality Department. It provides a channel for the voluntary reporting of aviation occurrences or hazards relevant to our organization's aviation activities, while protecting the reporter’s identity.
All levels of management and all employees are accountable for the delivery of this highest level of safety performance starting with the Accountable Executive.
Our commitment is to:
•Achieve the safest flight operating standards possible. To achieve this, it is imperativethat we have uninhibited reporting of all incidents and occurrences that compromise thesafe conduct of our operations. To this end, every employee is responsible forcommunicating any information that may affect the integrity of flight safety. Suchcommunication must be completely free of any form of reprisal.
•Encourages and perhaps even provides incentive for individuals to report hazards andoperational deficiencies to management.
•Assures personnel that their candid input is highly desired and vital to safe and secureoperations.
•Do not take disciplinary action against any employee who discloses an incident oroccurrence involving flight safety. This policy shall not apply to information received bythe company from a source other than the employee or which involves an illegal act, or adeliberate or wilful disregard of promulgated regulations or procedures.
•Develop our methods of collecting, recording and disseminating information obtainedfrom Safety Reports to protect to the extent permissible by law, the identity of anyemployee who provides flight safety information,
•Urge all staff to use our flight safety program to help Alexandria Airlines become a leaderin providing our customers and employees with the highest level of flight safety.
•Review periodically the safety reporting policy to ensure continuing relevance to ourcompany.